Jarding has lectured at Ivy League schools and renowned global institutions which include Harvard and Stanford University in the United States as well as Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and many international institutions.
2013 – Present: Aspire Academy (Romania) program for developing young leaders (annual engagement). He is also serves on the Board of Directors of Aspire Academy.
2012 – Present: Jarding regularly teaches and trains elected officials, candidates at RAPS non-governmental organization in Sao Paulo, Brazil. RAPS is a sustainability organization that concentrates on influencing and growing leaders in Brazil who have a foundation in environmental sustainability, anti-corruption practices, transparent government and in progressive investment in human development.
2010 – Present: Jarding teaches regularly at IESE Business School at the University of Navarra in Madrid, and the IESE Business School in Barcelona, Spain.
2004 – July 2019: Jarding taught at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government (HKS). His course offerings included Making of a Politician (communications training), Political Campaign Management, Lobbying, and many seminar courses including courses at Harvard’s Law and Business Schools. Jarding's Campaign Management course was twice nominated for a "Most Influential Course Award" in American Colleges and Universities by the Strengthening Learning and Teaching Excellence Initiative. In 2016 Jarding was named “Teacher of the Year” at Harvard’s Kennedy School.
Selected Institutional Engagements:
Northeastern University
University of Sarajevo (Bosnia)
University of Banja Luka (Republika Srpska)
Strathmore Business School (Kenya, Africa)
Young Leaders Seminar (Karpenissi, Greece)
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies (Bucharest, Romania)
American University (Moscow)