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Over his career, Jarding developed and universally tested a unique state-of-the-art communication paradigm that brings together all of an individual’s communication tools including best practices for posture and for hand and face gestures, voice modification techniques, word selection and usage, as well as how to engage the critical elements of passion and emotion into the communication paradigm. 

Through Jarding Global LLC, he continues to provide these cutting-edge communication techniques to thousands of individuals and groups around the world.  His company also conducts political campaign management training, campaign strategy, and crisis mitigation techniques to a litany of clients around the world.


Recent Engagements:


2020: Confidential Client requiring personal communications training for national campaign.


2020: Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM) University in Hyderabad, India.


2020: SHIKAMO Campaign Services, Cape Town, South Africa.


2020: Young Professional Organization, London, England.


2020: VIP Cybersecurity, New York, New York.


2019: Jarding provided communication and media training to North American Uber executives.


2019: Conducted communication training for Stanford University Faculty through a workshop.


2019: Confidential International Client


2019: Jarding taught media training and leadership techniques to Stanford University Law School students as well as to undergraduate students.


2018: Jarding presented a three-day workshop on communications training and campaign management techniques to party officials, potential candidates and staff for various political parties in New Delhi, India.  While in India, Jarding also provided live election night television analysis of the 2018 state elections which ended on December 11, 2018.


2018: Jarding was a speaker at the 9th Asia Leadership Conference in Seoul, South Korea and was a member of the Teaching Faculty at the 1st Asia Leadership Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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